SMALL is great for smaller ladies' watches or children's watches. If you plan to attach your ID to your shoe, zipper pull, key ring, etc., you may want to consider a medium to fit more information on your ID.
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MEDIUM is the perfect size for most watches, dress watches, or sports watches. Medium is also an ideal size for when you attach your ID to your shoe, zipper pull, key ring, etc. For most uses, medium is a great option.
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LARGE is great for bigger men's watches and GPS watches. Also attach it to your shoe, zipper pull, key ring, etc. To get the maximum amount of info on your ID, large will be the size to go with.
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ID Making Kit
Additional ID making materials let you create more labels, replace hook and loop material, or just give you peace of mind of having an extra kit.
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Silicon Cover
Get extra silicon covers so you can keep a cover in various places -- your shoe, your keychain, your zipper pull, etc. Choose from 5 color options.
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